Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hello again! I just put Jumbo to sleep, and that's a miracle! Meanwhile, I was remembering the time when I was 5 months old pregnant of him at my doctor's check-up. The doctor did what he needed to do, and all was fine he had said. The doctor told me, "Everything is looking good until now. You have taken care of yourself really well, since the beginning until now that you are in the fetus stage."

"What's that?" I asked him.

"The fetus stage is one of the prenatal development phases of a baby before it is born. There are three stages: the zygote, embyro, and fetus stages. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, it's called a zygote. About 10 days after conception, the zygote attaches to the uterine wall and the outer part of it is called the placenta, where nutrients come in to feed it. It's until 2 weeks later that this zygote turns into an embryo and the heart begins to beat and other organs develop as well. This stage lasts about 6 weeks. The last stage stage is--"

"Is the fetus stage," I interrupted him.

"Right. By then, it looks like a human alien. And after about 6 months, the stomach, brain, and all the other organs have developed. A women can have birth to her baby by this time. But it's always safer to wait until 9 months have passed."

"Wow. That's really interesting. Thanks for letting me know. Thanks for the check-up, bye-bye!"

That conversation had been really helpful. I had a blurry idea of what fetus meant then, but after the doctor told me this information, it stayed in my head and I have no doubts about what it means anymore.


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